Lacking Purpose in Your Career? How to Discover Your Direction

Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions in life, without any real sense of direction or purpose?

It's a common feeling, but it can be frustrating and even overwhelming. The good news is that you don't have to stay in that place. There are steps you can take to discover your direction and find your purpose. In this article, we'll explore where to start and what to learn about yourself, as well as how to learn more and get the support you need.

We'll explore these key questions:

  • Where should I start when I’m lacking purpose?

  • What should I learn about myself when I’m lacking purpose?

  • How do I learn more about myself to find my purpose?

Where should I start when I’m lacking purpose? 

The first step towards finding your purpose is to start exploring yourself. You can't identify your purpose without first learning more about yourself. Self-reflection is a critical part of the process, and you need to be honest with yourself about what you want and what you're capable of. This may require some soul-searching, but it's worth it.

What should I learn about myself when I’m lacking purpose? 

To help you discover your direction and purpose, let's take a look at the "PALMS" of your hand. No, not the ones you high-five with, but the acronym that stands for Personality, Abilities, Likes and dislikes, Meaning and values, and Supplemental factors. By exploring these five factors, you'll gain a deeper understanding of yourself and what makes you tick. Let's take a closer look at each of these.

How to learn about yourself to find your purpose


Your personality is a crucial aspect of who you are, and it can impact your life and career choices. Some people are outgoing and thrive in social settings, while others prefer solitude and work better independently. Understanding your personality can help you identify careers that are a good fit for you. You can learn more about your career personality here.


Your abilities are the things you're good at. They can include strengths, skills, gifts, and talents. For example, you may have a natural talent for writing, or you may have developed excellent communication skills through previous work experience. Understanding your abilities can help you identify careers where you can excel. Learn more about your career abilities here.

Likes and Dislikes

Your likes and dislikes refer to your personal interests and preferences. You may love to create art, play sports, or read books. Knowing your likes and dislikes can help you identify careers that align with your interests and passions. Discover your likes and dislikes here.

Meaning and Values 

Meaning and values refer to the moral principles and purpose that guide your life. What is important to you? What kind of impact do you want to make in the world? Knowing your values can help you identify careers that align with your beliefs and goals.

Supplemental Factors

Supplemental factors refer to the unique set of additional aspects that influence career decision making. These factors can be internal or external, and they can include things like family commitments, personal circumstances, or cultural factors. Understanding your supplemental factors can help you identify careers that align with your unique situation.

How do I learn more about myself to find my purpose? 

There are several ways to learn more about yourself and find your purpose, including career testing and career counseling.

Career Testing

Career testing is a valuable tool that can help you learn more about all of these aspects of yourself. There are several types of career tests available, including aptitude tests, personality tests, and interest inventories. These tests can help you identify careers that are a good fit for you based on your unique strengths, skills, and interests. Learn more about career testing.

Career Counseling

Career counseling is another useful tool that can help you discover your direction and purpose. A career counselor can work with you one-on-one to explore who you are and help you identify careers that are a good fit for you. They can also provide guidance and support as you navigate your career path. Learn more about career counseling.


Feeling like you're lacking purpose can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be a permanent state. By taking the time to learn more about yourself and explore your interests and abilities, you can identify careers that are a good fit for you. Remember, finding your purpose is a journey, and it's okay if it takes time. With patience, self-reflection, and a willingness to try new things, you can discover your direction and achieve your goals.


Ready to find your purpose?

Career counseling and career coaching can be helpful when lacking purpose

Let’s talk. Unlock your full potential and design your ideal life with our expert career counseling and life design services. Schedule your appointment by clicking the button below.



The content provided is not intended to be therapy, medical, accounting, or legal advice. The information shared is for general informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice. It is always recommended to seek the advice of a qualified provider with any questions you may have.


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Jessie Ford

Designing next-level brands and websites for female entrepreneurs in just days!

How to Choose the Perfect Career for Your Personality